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The Mindful Writer

The word mindfulness occupies a special place in a world awash with buzzwords and trendy hooks long on promises, but perhaps short on truth. Its core, mindful, means to be aware or conscious of something. Given this definition, mindfulness by itself can never elevate...

Penny For Your Words

I spent the vast majority of my working life as a professional economist. All day, every day, I worked with figures in spreadsheets that were in the millions, if not more. I talked with business owners rich in dollars, but poor in happiness and satisfaction....

A Beautiful Madness

If you want to write, if you want to create, you must be the most sublime fool that God ever turned out and sent rambling. You must write every single day of your life. You must read dreadful dumb books and glorious books, and let them wrestle in beautiful fights...

When the Chips are Down

Potato chips are the most amazing food group ever invented. From the humble spud buried in dirt comes forth a wide array of flavors and textures, each designed to titillate the tongue and satisfy the brain’s craving for fat. In my opinion, the person who first thought...


It’s two in the morning and I’m awake. Not that I haven’t slept at all. A solid three hours passed between the nightime ritual of a hot bath and my current restless state. It yielded little comfort. Such is the way when one gets old, or so I’m told by every doctor I...

Something Wicked This Way Comes

I awoke this morning thinking about evil. Not the best way to start a day, but a reasonable choice considering where I am. Let me explain. There’s a small town tucked away in relatively unpopulated part of a state that will remain nameless. I visit frequently. It’s...