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Progress: 1,121 new words; rough stock retrieved

Monday was one heck of a busy day, and starting to write at ten o’clock at night is a certainly not ideal, at least for me. Still, some words were had, and I’ll be sure to start earlier today. I have to if there is any hope of reaching twenty-thousand words by Sunday.

On the construction front, I dug into my wood pile and pulled out enough rough-sawn red oak for the driveway gate. It was, of course, at the bottom of a stack that weighed a ton. I had to move hundreds of board feet of walnut, chesnut oak, hard rock maple, and a few exotic species, then move it all back again once the oak was recovered. I followed that up with going to the gym, so don’t let anyone tell you I’m not crazy.

I don’t have any current pictures of the wood to show, but you’re not missing anything. It’s just a stack of wide planks. Later today will be an opportunity to take before and after pictures, and that should be more interesting (for those who work with wood).